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January 18 10:00 am - 11:00 am
| Taproom Event

Charlotte Yoga Club
📆 Saturday, January 18th @ 10AM
📍 Resident Culture South End

🧘‍♀️ Practice Yoga 🤝 Make Friends 👏 Give Back

DYK?! Charlotte Yoga Club’s inaugural year, they held 8 events and raised nearly $2K for amazing local organizations like Friends of CMAS, the Charlotte Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, and more. How amazing is that?!

@cltyogaclub returns THIS Saturday! Pop in for a yoga class with 100% of proceeds benefitting CLT Yoga Club’s sponsor of the month. Classes are $10pp—donations accepted at the door or prepay using the information below:

🔺 Visit
🔺 Select “Top Charities Fund”
🔺 Enter $10 as the donation amount and select ‘Next’
🔺 Fill out information and press ‘Donate’ when finished